Christmas market week is over :(

So my Christmas market week is over but something exciting is happening.

In a previous blog post I mentioned that I am moving into my new flat. I can now officially confirm I will be a home owner from the 18th December!! I’m so excited.

I will be starting to move little things onto my new flat so at the weekend it will only be the big furniture that needs to be moved in. 

Next weekend is going to be so weird. My cat Gizmo has been to the flat already and i think she approves! We’ll find out when we actually live there! 

I will post how the moving in is getting along! 

Moving date!

A week today is my moving day!! I move into my flat on 7th August! How exciting!

I’ve moved a little bit of my stuff already into my flat when I had a day off. I was in there measuring things and making sure the things I want to buy can fit!

I’m kind of nervous as it’s my first flat and the fact I hate shopping doesn’t bode well haha

Ash’s dad will be helping on the Friday to get my stuff from Ikea to the flat 🙂 at least it is flat packed but then we have the dawnting task of building a bed and a sofa bed :/ my Friday night will consist of building!

I’m determined to be sleeping in the flat on Friday night as it is our first night in the flat. Even if we don’t have the bed I will sleep on the floor!

More updates next week 😀

Good news!

Hello! Sorry for the 3 months silence! It’s been a very busy and emotional 3 months but I do have good news!

Me and Ash (known as drummer man on here) are moving into a little cosy flat in 18 days! 😀 although 18 days is still quite a while yet I’m rather excited to move in!

The landlord is very relaxed and even let us paint the flat if we wanted to. You never find a landlord like that. Oh I forgot to say this is a private rental so that’s why the landlord is relaxed.

Our next door neighbour, Elsa, is a lovely lady! She has a dog called Hugo and he’s so cute! She’s the lady who gets in touch with the landlord when things goes tits up.

The previous girl who rents the place is actually a friend of a friend. So that’s why I’ve gotten a flat so quickly! Eek!

I will keep you updated with my moving ventures! I can’t wait to decorate the flat and just spend time with Ash in our little place 🙂

Ciao for now xx